A gas chromatograph utilizing a mass spectrometer for analyte detection (GC-MS) allows for very sensitive and unambiguous analyte quantification. Until now, GC-MS has been restricted to the laboratory which can mean waiting hours to days for your results. Not any more! Now you can examine process streams for PPB-levels of critical analytes such as halides, sulfurs, oxygenates, and more. Join us to learn how Wasson-ECE is bringing GC-MS out of the lab for real-time analysis of process streams. STOP WAITING for results to come back from the lab! Presented By: John Wasson, President, Wasson-ECE Instrumentation John has been designing GC-based analytical solutions for the HPI market for over 35 years. Bring your tough questions!
Check this link for original post and more info :
Webinar video : https://www.gotostage.com/channel/1761728abd9c498ba30a277be8004390/recording/434ed15888a34db7bc5a0fae08793453/watch?source=CHANNEL
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